My Daily Blog Post.... Day 1 Let the journey begin.
My life has taken me on many different journeys. When I was in my early twenties I wanted to own 100 rental properties, make real estate my full time job. By the time I turned 33 I was sick of it. Sick of the baby sitting, taking care of people who just didn't give a damn about my properties. So I decided to sell off all the properties and venture out on my own.
This is my first daily blog, a diary of sort. I want to share with you my experiences, knowledge, struggles and tribulations. Although I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I am not very business savvy. I know next to nothing about accounting, marketing, business growth, finances or investment. But over the past two years with a lot of dedication, hard work and sacrifice, I managed to build a somewhat successful event rental business.
It all began when my ex wife was expecting, at that time I didn't know that she was going to have our son. We both wanted a new beginning, she didn't want to go back working for someone else, so after a bit of research we decided to open up a BBQ catering company. From there we added a cotton candy machine and rest was history...
The one lesson I wanted to share with you today is that life does't always work out the way you have it planned. Sometimes the changes happen unexpectedly you just have to roll with the punches. Don't let the small (they might not seem small at the time but in the grand scheme of things they are) get in the way of your BIG dreams. My original BBQ company didn't work out, my wife and I ended up getting divorced.
However I ended up taking the cotton candy machine we originally purchased and made a small yet successful company out of it. From one cotton candy machine we grew into a 400 cent per year company. Keep growing, learning and adjusting our course of action. We all end up in the same spot, the end doesn't matter its the journey we take that counts for the most.
Make everyday count, tomorrow might not come.